under ice rocks


These two photos above are original NAMI photos.   Dr. Patton used a copy of the NAMI photo below but it looks like it has been doctored or Photoshopped???  You can see this apparentely doctored photo in Dr Patton's video HERE.   Or you can see it on youtube by searching for the title patton_namifraud.    This photo that looks doctored can be found in the video at the 4:35 of the 13 minute 49 second video.  


Why would this photo be doctored?  Maybe to justify the burnt lumber yard board that Dr Patton indicates is from this site???  Of all the pictures of wood I have seen of the NAMI site, NONE have been burnt.  Anything black is a substance coated on the wood.  The only logical answers for this anyone has ever been able to come up with is Dr Patton found some old burnt shack somewhere on the mountain and thought it was the NAMI site.  Others have thought maybe all this by Dr Patton is a rigged fraud. 

Also most find, after examining the following pics, that Dr Patton's claim of where this site is, could not possibly be true.  Notice the rock debris frozen in place above the wall on the right of this NAMI photo.

Also notice the NAMI photos show the location is down in a hole.  The fake location Dr Patton provides is a ditch.


 Compare that to the picture provided by Dr Patton below


These last two photos above are not the same location.

This video exposes impossible inconsistencies in Dr. Patton's claim that NAMI data is a fake or fraud.  SEE IT HERE

Is there anything out of place or unusual about Dr Patton's black board?  You see it in the crevice above and in another crevice below.

patton board2.png 

These two boards in the two preceeding pictures could easily be the same board in the following picture below.  Two pics below were taken from Dr Patton's so called evidence video.  I find some things very interesting about Dr Pattons board.  No where in any of the NAMI pictures or video do I see a similar board, no where!  Just a thought, if I was going to plant a board to fool the public, I would want a board about that size.  It is big enough to show up in pictures well and it is small enough and light enough I wouldn't mind hauling it up a mountain.  It is a commercially cut lumber yard board that has been burnt, to turn it black.   What is obvious, is that black board is a modern commercially cut  board.  It is not the same type of wood as any visable in the NAMI pictures.  Look at the growth rings.  They are super close together.  The growth rings in the NAMI photos are mush farther apart and evenly spaced.  Reflective of a semi-tropical environment where the is plenty of moisture and mild temperatures year round.   Narrow growth rings on softwood like Dr Patton's board are caused by dryer climates and cold seasons. 

patton board4.png

patton board3.png

 Here are two videos:

1.)  Video clearly showing the false Dr Patton's, Noah's Ark location compared to the actual NAMI site.  It is sad when someone will claim to be a professional authority and publish accusations using clearly false data.  See it Here.

2.)  Dr Patton's youtube video accusing the NAMI organization and Mr.Ahmet Ertugrul who discovered the NAMI site as a fake or a fraud.  In it are doctored photos, false claims as to the NAMI location and several other unbelievable opinions of fraud.  See it Here  or search for this title on youtube; Noah's ark nami fraud (Nami discovery, sept. 2010)