Massive Ancient Beams

Massive Ancient Beams

Ingenius Ancient Construction

Ingenius Ancient Construction

Coated with a Black Substance

Coated with a Black Substance

Study the Tree Rings

Study the Tree Rings

Mortise and Tenon Joints

Mortise and Tenon Joints

Ancient Woven (?) Basket

Ancient Woven (?) Basket

Was Copper Alloy Fasteners or Hardware Used as Indicated by the Blue Stains?

Was Copper Alloy Fasteners or Hardware Used as Indicated by the Blue Stains?

Huge Inner Room

Huge Inner Room

Broken Area with Mortise and Tenon Joints

Broken Area with Mortise and Tenon Joints

Notice the holes in the end of the beam.

Notice the holes in the end of the beam.

Constructed with Wooden Pegs

Constructed with Wooden Pegs

Inside Doorway

Inside Doorway

One Of

The Greatest Archaeological

Discoveries EVER !!!

Trip postponed due to political tension in the region. 

A 2024 Scientific Expedition is Planned

To Study and Document Noah's Ark

for the World Community

We will start the GoFundMe campaign in January 2024.  You can support this incredible work, click here: 

by clicking here

 donate now button

Or the GoFundMe starting in January 2024 by clicking the link below.  

GFM logo

Using GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) we will try to determe how intact or broken up the structure is.  One of our goals is to find the location of the large door in which the animals entered.  The ark is located approximately 14,000 feet elevation on Mt. Ararat and accessing it is quite dangerous.  There are currently 14 access points to enter parts of the structure, although some of those may be obstructed from the prior winters snow plus the ice and rocks that may have fallen down on it.

 Location map1

There have been 6 locations claimed as the landing site of Noah's Ark, where those claims have gained some public acceptance. Four of those locations are so ridicules that even people who are not very bright, agree they cannot be the real site. The two remaining sites are the Durupinar site and the NAMI site.  There are many claims for each of these two sites saying that they are the real site or that they are not the real site.  While there are numerous claims out there, most people, have only seen or heard a few of them.  With only a small amount of influence,  people usually develop a strong opinion on whether each of these two sites are real, or not. 

So, what is real, what is true?

So we have spent considerable research investigating all those claims, who claimed what, and why they claimed what they did.  As you likely already suspect, most of those claims were motivated by money and recognition without much regard for what is true.  When you study out all these claims, it looks more like a soap opera or an intense battle between good and evil, with everyone claiming to be the good guys.  We naturally choose to trust more well established companies, or people with titles behind their names.  But what we find is that for those seeking profit and recognition, their selfish human nature will push aside the truth to try to get what they want.  So we have to separate the truth from a person's or company's embellishments.    

The results are simply amazing so let's look as what has happened in recent history. 

In the 1980's Ron Wyatt claimed the Durupinar site to be the real landing site of Noah's Ark.  The Turkish government honored that claim and built a visitors center near the site.  As any responsible government, the Turkish government then did their own investigations.  Their own scientists came to realize that while the Durupinar site was interesting, it was only a rock formation.  So, in 2005 the Turkish government publicly announced they no longer consider the Durupinar site as real.  That met with some strong resistance because many believed Ron Wyatt, including many Seventh Day Adventists as Ron was a Seventh Day Adventist.  While there are still some holdouts with those still claiming the Durupinar site is the real site, it has been solidly proven to just be a rock formation.

So what about those claims that the NAMI site was real or a fraud?  (NAMI named after the Noah's Ark Ministries International team)  Here, is where, the battle really heats up.  Here we see those considered as professionals totally destroying their credibility.  Again for those hearing the different reports, without a full overview, it is so easy to believe the purported professionals over others.   The incredible corruption portrayed by these so called professionals is as bad as what we get from the daily mainstream news. 

To date NONE of the fraud claims on the NAMI site would hold up in a real court of law. No not even one of them! 

Does that mean the NAMI site is the real site?  We don't have a ship's nameplate from the NAMI site saying "Noah's Ark" like we would with modern day ships.  And there wouldn't likely be one. We have not any report of anyone locating the door that the animals used to come aboard the Ark.  Remember Noah's Ark was approximately 500 feet long.  Yet, the Biblical record lines up perfectly with all the evidence that has been found.  There have been other expeditions to the NAMI site since the 2008 and 2009 NAMI expeditions and their data is the same as the NAMI data.   Also, in those other reports and claims of the NAMI site being a fake, they grossly perverted the existing data and doctored the pictures as evidence to substantiate their claims. It is so obvious that even a child can see that it has been corrupted.  What makes it even worse is some of the key individuals making these fraud claims about the NAMI site, call themselves Christian.

An overview of our research on these different claims can be found HERE.


I am so amazed at what people claim that they trust as evidence when determining whether something is true or false.   Emotions, pet beliefs, hearsay, ignoring data, adding data that doesn't exist, falsely interpreting the data, and the list goes on and on.  Those who are Christian understand this concept well.  Most of them, before salvation, threw up all sorts of sophisticated smokescreens to avoid accepting the truth of Jesus Christ.  But in the end the truth won out.  Those that tried to bring the truth to someone going through this process suffered rejection, ridicule, insults, and sometimes even violence.  All the time, those throwing up these smokescreens, were arguing that they were right.  Courts have to wade through these ridiculous arguments every day.

beam4b  beams6b
(clicking on the images will open a larger image in a separate window)

There is a tremendous amount of evidence in these two pictures, yet many will just see pieces of wood.  They are large heavy wood beams.  Would you carry these large beams  up to 14,000 feet elevation to make a movie set?  Along with several hundred other similar beams?   The air is really thin up there.  Then you would have had to dig down several feet in the frozen, super steep  mountain slope and make a large hole to construct your movie set.  You could not find a beam with that wide of growth rings at the lumber yard.  You would have to order in wood grown in a tropical environment to get those large evenly spaced growth rings.  As one considers the ridiculous claims from those claiming it is a movie set, one realizes it has to be clear dishonesty.  Is there any other logical explanation?

The second picture has some very interesting details.  The beams in both of these pictures are very old.  It is interesting that some of the beams in Noah's Ark are hand cut and some have been cut with machines.  If you or I worked 120 years on building a wooden boat / ship over 500 feet long, I think both of us would devise a better method of cutting beams, than everything by hand.  We just don't have any way to verify the machines or equipment they used.  Cutting the beams as paralell as seen here indicates it has been done on a machine.  The second picture clearly shows it has been cut with a machine with either paralell blades or a fence.  See close up below.

(clicking on the images will open a larger image in a separate window)

Imagine carrying the beam below on the left up a steep mountain to the 14,000 foot level, yea right.

(clicking on the images will open a larger image in a separate window) 

 The pictures on this site are what you would expect to see if it was the real Noah's Ark and we are convinced it is.  Ultimately the world decides but there will always be the naysayers that don't want to accept the obvious.